Hello! I haven't been able to update for a while but I'm finally getting to it. Just a brief overview of what we've been doing.
Sat. we were on our way home from Danville where Jacob had been at his preacher's class, we stopped at a red light and when the light turned green his car wouldn't go, the transmission had gone out. I steered while Jacob pushed it out of the highway, while we were doing this 2 vehicles behind us had a wreck, we weren't involved at all and at the time our vehicle was out of the road so it wasn't because of us, but it was a really weird situation! Emergency vehicles were everywhere in a matter of minutes, while we are just sitting there staring under to hood of our car, i was thankful we weren't involved and i pray everyone that was is alright. Due to his car being out of order and my car not being on insurance because my license expired and i haven't gotten it updated here in KY and cant without my name being change and I'm waiting on my social security card with my new name on it to come....ugh. We weren't able to go to our church Sunday morning so we visited Jacob's sister's church and then rode with my mother-in-law on Sunday night. Yesterday we spent the day getting my taxes sent in, putting my car on insurance, in the evening Jacob's worked out while i sat in the fitness center staring at the TV in disbelief as i listened about the Boston tragedy. We walked to Walmart to get popsicles. At 10:45 p.m. Jacob went to work and I cut out coupons for this week and then went to bed. Got up this morning, ate yogurt, washed Jacob's basket ball uniform for tonight, cleaned the bathroom. Jacob woke up, we went to target to get some groceries. Went home, had egg salad sandwiches, sun chips & sweet tea. went running together. We left our apartment about 7:00 picked up Jeremiah and went to meet Ernesto (Jacob's Filipino friend) who we ride with to his ball games. Ball game started at 8, they played good, but didn't win this time:( Jacob left for work tonight and dropped me off to spend the night at his mom's because it was storming and I'm a chicken! Tomorrow's my CVS couponing day and of course church. Wednesday is also my clean the shower day and paint my toe-nails day. Yeah, i know i'm becoming a little schedule nutso, but i need to stay busy and it works for me :) Our apartment's pool opens next week! Bro Travis asked me to go as a counselor to Youth camp this year, which I'm so excited about! Jacob and I have been getting the chance to do Jr. church off and on so we are having a lot of fun with that. Sat. is our pinewood derby. If you haven't seen any of our wedding pics yet and would like to there are some at this web address: http://doubletakesphotography.zenfolio.com/
The Hoot girls did a great job:) I love my life here & i love being married! That's what we've done so far this week. I miss you all! Sorry if this was super jumbled it's to late at night to sound sensible! goodnight!
Our " Happily Ever After"
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
my new family
This is a random photo post, these pictures were taken back at Christmas but i thought they were worth sharing. They all have a great sense of humor!
honeymoon pics
These were taken when we came in from snowboarding, which Jacob was amazing at it, but i fell more time then i can count! I loved skiing though:)
Us at Luray Caverns
The morning Jacob made breakfast we had eggs and cereal and coffee :) My bridal bouquet was the center piece on our table all week, i meant to send it back to KY with his family but accidentally took it with me..... but we found a way to save it!

Right before we headed home.
Monday, March 11, 2013
In The Beginning.......
Well, I'm so glad that I'm finally getting the chance to do some typing! I'm at Jacob's parents so I'm taking advantage of their wi-fi. This is that last time we'll see Nick and Michaela before they fly back to China, so if you guys think of it, pray they have a safe flight back:)
We had an amazing honeymoon to say the least! Our condo was so nice, it had a full kitchen 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, a TV/lounge area and a jacuzzi that was made to fit like 5 people.
The resort had so many activity options! In the week we were there some of the activities that we did were racquet ball,swimming numerous time, snow tubing, snowboarding,skiing, indoor water-park, shopping, we made Tye-dye t-shirts.....that was my choice:) They were only 5.00 and they have the Massanutten logo on them! We toured a cave and several museums . There were so many neat things that we did and ate but you guys probably don't care, so ill just post some pictures! Actually i think Jacob may be ready to leave, but I'll get some pictures up tomorrow! -Goodnight!
We had an amazing honeymoon to say the least! Our condo was so nice, it had a full kitchen 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, a TV/lounge area and a jacuzzi that was made to fit like 5 people.
The resort had so many activity options! In the week we were there some of the activities that we did were racquet ball,swimming numerous time, snow tubing, snowboarding,skiing, indoor water-park, shopping, we made Tye-dye t-shirts.....that was my choice:) They were only 5.00 and they have the Massanutten logo on them! We toured a cave and several museums . There were so many neat things that we did and ate but you guys probably don't care, so ill just post some pictures! Actually i think Jacob may be ready to leave, but I'll get some pictures up tomorrow! -Goodnight!
Thursday, February 14, 2013
The beginning of a new chapter
My life is about to drastically change, change is hard, but inevitable. The next chapter of my life is probably the most exciting so far, I'm getting married to my best friend in 7 days! But I know it comes with heaps of responsibility. I'm fixing to go from country to city, one family to another, one church to another, from single to married.....while I'm so excited to start this new adventure, i can't help but reflect on all the blessings I've been given. My childhood and teen years are over and as I move away from everyone who shared those years with me, my heart runs over with emotion, because I'm so thankful for my church, my pastor, my family and my friends. I'm so grateful for every little memory i have made over especially the last 5-6 years....I wouldn't trade the memories I have with my friends from church or with my family for this whole entire world. To any of my friends who made read this, from the bottom of my heart, a very special thank you for always being there if i needed you, for all the memories, for all the laughs...just thanks for being my friends. I hope this blog will help me keep you guys updated on my new life, and I want to hear every little thing that happens in each one of your lives! So Skype me! Two days from now I'll sit through my last Sunday as a member at Cornerstone, which is kind of emotional. One of the hardest parts about moving is changing churches, I love Jacob's church, but i don't know the people yet, so when I'm there I tend to forget where I'm at and I automatically look for my friends from Cornerstone (which i know sounds very silly, but it happens). I don't want to go to Bluegrass Pike thinking that I came from the best church ever to attend the second best....no, i can't think that way! In order to be involved with my whole heart, make a difference and be the new church member God wants me to be, I must develop as much loyalty, pride and respect for my new church as I have had for Cornerstone, which for me is going to be super hard because at this point i feel like Cornerstone can never be replaced in my life, and i guess it can't be replaced in the part of my life that I've already lived, but in the future I must adapt to my new surroundings and learn to view Bluegrass Pike as the best church ever, I can't try to make it into Cornerstone in my mind, I must view KY as my home, and Jacob as my family. If I make new friends, i need to let them be themselves and not try to make them into my friends here. I'll probably always look back and miss being here, but i want to move to Kentucky because my very best friend lives there and i don't want to live another day without him, and if he moves to Timbuktu I'll want to go there to, because my home will be wherever he is....but I really hope he doesn't want to move there! OK, so I'm done being sappy now...most of you know this, but I'll say it anyway....I'm NOT a writer!! I'm horrible at it so this will mostly be a photo blog, with of course some captions and stories now and then:) I may not get anything else posted until we get home from our honeymoon, but I will work on it a.s.a.p. Ill put up our wedding pictures, apartment pics, etc.
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