Thursday, February 14, 2013

The beginning of a new chapter

My life is about to drastically change, change is hard, but inevitable. The next chapter of my life  is probably the most exciting so far, I'm getting married to my best friend in 7 days! But I know it comes with heaps of responsibility. I'm fixing to go from country to city, one family to another, one church to another, from single to married.....while I'm so excited to start this new adventure, i can't help but reflect on all the blessings I've been given. My childhood and teen years are over and as I move away from everyone who shared those years with me, my heart runs over with emotion, because I'm so thankful for my church, my pastor, my family and my friends. I'm so grateful for every little memory i have made over especially the last 5-6 years....I wouldn't trade the memories I have with my friends from church or with my family for this whole entire world. To any of my friends who made read this, from the bottom of my heart, a very special thank you for always being there if i needed you, for all the memories, for all the laughs...just thanks for being my friends. I hope this blog will help me keep you guys updated on my new life, and I want to hear every little thing that happens in each one of your lives! So Skype me! Two days from now I'll sit through my last Sunday as a member at Cornerstone, which is kind of emotional. One of the hardest parts about moving is changing churches, I love Jacob's church, but i don't know the people yet, so when I'm there I tend to forget where I'm at and I automatically look for my friends from Cornerstone (which i know sounds very silly, but it happens). I don't want to go to Bluegrass Pike thinking that I came from the best church ever to attend the second, i can't think that way!  In order to be involved with my whole heart, make a difference and be the new church member God wants me to be,  I must develop as much loyalty, pride and respect for my new church as I have had for Cornerstone, which for me is going to be super hard because at this point i feel like Cornerstone can never be replaced in my life, and i guess it can't be replaced in the part of my life that I've already lived, but in the future I must adapt to my new surroundings and learn to view Bluegrass Pike as the best church ever, I can't try to make it into Cornerstone in my mind, I must view KY as my home, and Jacob as my family. If I make new friends, i need to let them be themselves and not try to make them into my friends here. I'll probably always look back and miss being here, but i want to move to Kentucky because my very best friend lives there and i don't want to live another day without him, and if he moves to Timbuktu I'll want to go there to, because my home will be wherever he is....but I really hope he doesn't want to move there! OK, so I'm done being sappy now...most of you know this, but I'll say it anyway....I'm NOT a writer!! I'm horrible at it so this will mostly be a photo blog, with of course some captions and stories now and then:) I may not get anything else posted until we get home from our honeymoon, but I will work on it a.s.a.p. Ill put up our wedding pictures, apartment pics, etc.


  1. Thanks for making me cry! :*( I'm going to miss you like CRAZY but I absolutely could NOT be any happier for you! Pictures are a must, and lots of them! ;) I'll be praying for you and Jacob all the time. Love you!

  2. I can't believe you're getting married! I still see you and Andy having that toothpaste fight at our house, or us panicking over the "hatchet man" when the police showed up that night. I still remember all the "parties" we had and the talks the three of us shared when you stayed with us that summer. We will greatly miss you! We already do! We love you and look forward to gettin to know our new brother-in-law. See you next week!
